samedi 12 novembre 2011

Bank Transfer Day'

Last month, a grassroots movement that sprang to life is urging bank customers in the US to close their accounts in favor of credit unions. This movement has already helped beat back Bank of America's plan to start charging a 5$ debit card fee. Even with its public support, however, it's not likely thaht any account closing that take place will make a big dent with industry titans.

mardi 8 novembre 2011

Indian clerk wins game show with history question

Sushil Kumar had won the last week, the top prize on the Indian version of "who wants to be millionaire". When he won, the audience whooped and gave him a standing ovation. His win echoes the 2008 Oscar-winning film "slumdog Millionaire".

dimanche 6 novembre 2011


The online vidéo rental service saw its stock price hammered. It had lost 800 000 subscribers in 5 months. Those shares lost a third of their value. ($300 to $80). it would raise subscription prices as much as 60 percent. The customers would chose between streaming and DVDs by mail with seperate pricing and brande names.